
Name SAT Group Class
School West Potomac High School
Date  -
Check schedule for times
Location 6500 Quander Rd Alexandria, VA 22307
Room: 190F

As a participant in the classroom, you will receive a 15 hour, structured review of major Digital SAT concepts and strategies from a tutor trained to deliver content in an interesting way. Test guides & session notes are provided to help simplify the studying process. Additionally, after each practice test, you will receive a detailed results analysis to help you chart your own unique course towards mastering the test.

  • 15 hours of group tutoring instruction
  • Comprehensive treatment of major strategies
  • Access to Study Guides and Session Notes
  • 3 scheduled Practice Test opportunities
  • Detailed Results analysis

Please note: In case of cancellation due to snowy weather, this class will have a make-up day added on 5/10.



Day Date Time Event
 - SAT Practice Test
 - Session
 - Session
 - SAT Practice Test
 - Session
 - Session
 - SAT Practice Test
 - Session
 - Session
Saturday Jun 7 N/A Official SAT Test

All Times Listed in

Registrant Information